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Back & Shoulders Wax

Back & shoulder waxes are our most common treatment, with us on average waxing approximately 10-15 backs a week. Many men are uncomfortable with a hairy back, and many partners aren't keen on them either!


In our time we've seen many different ways of pricing a back wax - some salons price shoulders, upper back, lower neck and lower back separately. We don't. We price on a full back and shoulders, and of course, if you don't need all those areas waxing (for example, only your lower back is hairy) then we will charge you a reduced price. At Waxing Lichfield we price fairly, so you will only pay for what you need waxing.


We've also seen some pretty unnatural looking back waxes that have been done by local mainstream salons, and the clients have ended up coming to us to have it put right. The strangest of all was where a guy's back had been waxed but his shoulders hadn't, as apparently the salon "didn't wax shoulders..." The poor guy looked as if he was wearing a vest of smooth skin, and it looked just about as unnatural as you can get!


Our headline price of £30 includes your whole back, lower neck, shoulders (front and back) down to a T shirt sleeve line, creating a separate line for your chest hair to stop at on the front of your shoulders, and also trim fading the line in where we've stopped waxing on the very top of your arms. Just leaving a hard line that goes straight from hairy to smooth on the top of your arms is a bit like advertising that you've just had your back waxed - it doesn't look natural, which is why we trim fade it in, so your arms appear to get gradually hairier as you go further down. 


You will start the treatment by sitting up on the edge of the couch and your shoulders (if necessary), front and back, and the very top of your arms will be waxed. Prior to waxing, all areas will be cleaned with an antibacterial skin sanitising lotion. The very top of your back, around the neckline at the back will also be waxed. Once this is complete, the areas waxed will be cleaned with a post waxing lotion to remove any sticky residue left by the wax. 


You will then be asked to lie down on the coach, face down, while the remaining areas of your back are waxed. Once complete, again these areas will be cleaned up with post waxing lotion. The average back wax takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on exactly how hairy you are.


At Waxing Lichfield, you really do get the complete package with a back wax - you will not be left with any unnatural looking lines, there won't be any hairs that have been missed, and you won't be left sticky. You'll leave looking like you never had a hairy back in the first place!


Back & shoulder wax - £30 fully inclusive.

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