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Those Things You Want to Know But Don't Like to Ask!

Are you Covid Secure?


In a word, yes. Our hygiene standards at Waxing Lichfield are impeccable all of the time, but right now we're also taking some extra precautions. 

  • Our waxing specialist wears a visor at all times, which creates a physical barrier between you and him.

  • You will be given hand sanitiser before entering, and are free to help yourself to more hand sanitiser at any point.

  • All surfaces in the waxing studio are cleaned down with Covid-19 anti-viral spray between each client.

  • Our toilet facilities have antiviral handwash, paper towels, and are cleaned with anti-viral spray between every client.

  • The waxing studio is ventilated between each client.

  • As we have no waiting room, and see only one client at a time, the only person you will come into contact with is the waxing specialist, who will be wearing a visor.

  • Our usual hygiene procedures of cleaning all waxing equipment (for example tweezers) between clients, never "double dipping" spatulas into the wax pot, and sanitising the skin beforehand remain standard operating practise to us.

  • A Covid-19 risk assessment has been carried out and is displayed in the waxing studio.



I've Never Been Waxed Before, Will It Hurt?


Firstly, we all have different pain thresholds, so what may hurt to one person, another may not find painful at all.  This aside, how much it hurts largely depends on the area being waxed - some areas of our bodies are much more sensitive than others. A Back Wax or Half Leg Wax is probably the least painful, and many of our clients don't find this painful at all. If you are having your penis waxed, scrotum waxed, crack, or pubic hair at the front waxed, then this is more painful as the areas are far more sensitive, and in some areas, the hair is far more dense and much coarser.


So, in summary, intimate waxing is the most painful, though remember the pain is short lived - a little like ripping off a plaster. Also, at Waxing Lichfield, we use a different kind of wax on intimate or facial areas, which is kinder on the skin, and doesn't hurt so much when it is removed. Drinking plenty of water in the 24 hours prior to your appointment really helps - if your skin is fully hydrated, it doesn't hurt as much!



I Can Get It Done Cheaper Elsewhere!


At Waxing Lichfield we take pride in our work, and value the end result we produce. This means we will not rush you through the process, we will take time and care to fade the lines between hairy and hairless areas  so that it looks natural, and we only use the finest quality wax, designed specifically for mens hair. Cheaper waxing prices usually means cheap wax and cheaper waxes have higher melting points - putting it bluntly the cheaper the wax, the hotter it will be. The hotter the wax... Ouch! We also only use the finest skin cleansers and after care lotions (crucial to safeguard your skin against rashes and infections) but we also use a variety of waxes, depending on the area of your body we are waxing.


Sure, it would be cheaper to use the cheapest strip wax all over the body, but guys - do you really want the skin ripping off your scrotum, your scrotum or penis or in fact anywhere else on your body burnt?  We have heard all the stories from our clients of waxing mistakes, wax that was too hot, burnt skin, dirty treatment rooms, skin infections and so on. That's why they now come to us for their waxing. So guys, is it really worth the risk?



Why Should I Wax Instead of Shaving?


Shaving may be quick and cheap, however in as short a space as 48 hours you may start to feel bristly. Also, and particularly in intimate areas, if you shave it will quickly start to itch like crazy once the hair starts to grow, and you may develop a pretty nasty shaving rash - not very attractive should you find yourself in the throws of passion! Also, as shaving in intimate areas can create tiny scratches and cuts on the skin, this leaves the area more susceptible to picking up infections and STIs.


With waxing you won't get stubble or cuts and scratches, only fine small hairs as they start to grow back, it lasts an awful lot longer, and you won't get a shaving rash. So go on, pluck up the courage to wax instead of shaving - it IS worth the effort!



Previously I've Shaved, How Long Should I Let the Hair Grow Before I Have It Waxed?


The optimal hair length for waxing is 6mm. If you have shaved the area we suggest waiting 4 weeks before waxing. If the hair is very long we will trim it down before waxing.



How Long Will It Last?


If this is your first ever wax you may start to see baby hairs coming through within 1-2 weeks. This is because the initial waxing will remove the adult hairs, protruding through the skin, but there are baby hairs growing inside the hair follicle itself. If you then have the area waxed again, around 3 weeks after your first wax, this will then remove these baby hairs, meaning you should enjoy between 4 and 6 weeks of being hair free!



What Should I Expect?


On arrival, our male therapist will carry out a consultation with you on what hair is to be removed, and will ask you some questions about your general health. Any questions you have will be answered, and once you are feeling comfortable the therapist will ask you to remove any items of clothing from the area you are having waxed. All other clothing can be left on - it is only necessary to remove clothing from the area actually being waxed.  Before waxing actually starts, your skin will be prepared by cleansing it with a cleanser, and also applying a little oil which protects your skin. The area will then be waxed. For backs, chests, legs, arms etc, warm strip wax will be used - it will be applied with either a roller or a spatula, depending on the area, and then it will be removed by pressing a paper strip on to the wax and then removing the paper strip.


For underarms, intimate or sensitive areas, non strip wax will be applied. This wax is a very dark brown and looks a little bit like black treacle. It will gently be spread, thickly, with a spatula, over the area in one narrow strip. This will then be gently peeled off - this hurts much less for the sensitive areas than warm strip wax does, and its much gentler on thin or sensitive skin. After waxing is complete, any wax residue will be removed with a soothing oil containing tea tree oil (antiseptic) and then a nice after wax soothing lotion will be applied, containing tea tree oil and camphor. (This lotion is super cooling and soothing on your skin, leaving it soft and nourished.)


You will then be issued with full post waxing care instructions, and advice on the prevention of ingrowing hairs. At any point during the treatment you are free to stop for a breather, a sip of cool bottled water, or nip to the loo! You will never be rushed through the process like a production line!



What Do I Need To Do Before My Waxing Appointment?


If possible, have a shower a few hours before your appointment - particularly if it is intimate areas you are having waxed or underarms. If you can't, wipes can be supplied so that you can have a little wipe down. All areas being waxed will be cleansed prior to waxing. Drinking plenty of water before your appointment helps -  if you are fully hydrated, silly as it sounds, the hairs come out easier!



What Do I Need To Do After My Waxing Appointment?


Firstly, book your next waxing appointment! Other than that our therapist will offer you full post waxing care instructions, but these include only showering using warm water, no soap, shower gels or deodorant for 24 hours and no sunbathing, swimming or suncreams for 24-48 hours post waxing. Once hair starts to reappear gentle exfoliation will help to prevent ingrowing hairs.

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