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Intimate Waxing

Intimate waxing is our second most popular type of treatment, and is becoming increasingly popular. Not sure exactly what to have done? The information below may help.


The BSC or Back Sack & Crack


Commonly known as the BSC, or Back Sack & Crack, there is some confusion over what this actually includes. To be specific, the "Back" part of "Back Sack & Crack" refers to being waxed "around the back", and not your actual back. To be clearer, if we think of BSC standing for "Buttocks, Sack & Crack" these are the areas that are waxed with this treatment. So, your bum cheeks, crack, and scrotum will all be waxed smooth, and it's common to also have the shaft of the penis waxed too. This way, all you will be left with is the pubic hair above the penis and down each side of the scrotum. Everywhere else, underneath your pants front and back will be smooth. Many guys enjoy the increased sensitivity of a hair free scrotum, as well as the aesthetic appearance, and many guys opt for smoothness around the back for hygiene reasons. If your penis isn't covered in hair, it also makes things look more substantial because they aren't buried in fur!


Female intimate waxing has been very common for many years, these days male intimate waxing is now rapidly catching up, and for many there is now an expectation that a guy should be "neat and tidy in the downstairs department!" so come on guys, let's catch the women up and smarten up!


Now a BSC isn't a treatment that you would want to have done just anywhere - choose wisely guys. It's a complex waxing procedure, involving a different type of wax than that used for a back or chest. It also requires the skin of your scrotum to be meticulously pulled taught (this doesn't hurt!) before wax is applied, and when the wax is being removed. If this isn't done, or an inexperienced therapist uses the wrong type of wax on you, next thing you know the skin on your scrotum has torn. Ouch, and double ouch! Many guys also may not want a young female beauty therapist pulling around at their nether reasons for obvious reasons...At Waxing Lichfield we do at least a couple of intimate waxes every day - so we've got tons of experience and know what we are doing - a very safe choice for your intimate waxing.


At Waxing Lichfield we only wax men, and you are waxed by a man. We've all got the same bits and bobs, so we know how things move about down there, and how taught we can pull the skin without hurting you. And guys, there's no need to feel shy or embarrassed, we've seen it all before in the same way that your GP has! All we are focussed on is doing a great job of making you smooth and making the treatment as "sting free" as we possibly can.


The average BSC takes around an hour, the front parts of you will be waxed first, then the waxed areas cleaned up, and then we will wax around the back.


Oh and, in case you're wondering, yes it does sting a bit, but not as much as you would think, and there won't be any more getting the razor out every day or couple of days as you'll be smooth for around a month to six weeks. Also, there'll be no risk of nicking anything with the razor, and no shaving rash either.


BSC, Back Sack & Crack or Buttocks Sack & Crack - £40 inclusive.



The Brazilian, Manzilian, Boyzilian, Hollywood.


So many names for the same thing - Hollywood, Manzilian, Boyzilian, Brozilian, Columbian and so the list goes on. Whatever you choose to call it, and we call it a Brazilian, it amounts to pretty much the same thing.


Our Brazilian is basically the same as a BSC (buttocks, sack & crack) but it also includes the shaft of the penis as standard, and also all pubic hair above the penis and at the sides of the scrotum. So underneath a pair of speedos or briefs you would be completely smooth both front and back. You will be smooth from the waist down, front and back, but your legs in entirety will still be hairy, front and back. You'll have all the same benefits as the BSC above, but you won't have any pubic hair to deal with either. This treatment is becoming increasingly popular, particularly with younger guys. 


Of course if you don't want all of your pubic hair removed, you can go half way, or have it whatever size and shape you like - the choice is yours. Our advice is if you don't want a full Brazilian or a standard BSC, then be really specific about what hair you want left or removed. Remember the Brazilian removes all pubic hair, and the price reflects this. So if you don't have it all removed, you will pay a little less than the full price. If complex shaping of your pubic hair is required, then you'll need to pay the same as a full Brazilian, as the shaping takes just as long, if not longer, than removing the whole lot.


The average Brazilian takes around 90 minutes, again, depending on how hairy you are. As with the BSC, the front areas will be waxed first, then cleaned up, and then the areas at the back will be waxed.


Brazilian, Manzilian, Boyzilian, Hollywood - £65 inclusive.



A Common Worry!


Some guys worry that all that pulling and prodding around downstairs may cause things to stir...This is a very rare occurrence, and if it does happen, we acknowledge that it's your body's involuntary reaction to moving things around down there, rather than anything of a sexual nature. If you are in the small percentage of guys that this happens to, don't worry we will just ignore it, and carry on, and if necessary just ask you to just hold it out the way for us. Trust us, if it does occur, it will be very short-lived, and you won't embarrass us or yourself!


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